
👉 Strava

Strava club is a space to have fun, encourage and banter with friends and other athletes who enjoy Urban Biker and Strava.

👉 Facebook

You can find us on Facebook, too.

👉 GitHub

On GitHub, anyone can look for an answer to their problem, contribute, or share their findings.

👉 Reddit

Here you can discuss, find answers, share ideas, and get support from both the community and the app creators.

Getting help

👉 Frequently Asked Questions

You might find just the right answer in our FAQ section.

👉 Change log

Learn about the recent changes to get an idea of whether some issue has been fixed or a particular feature implemented.

👉 Feature requests, Issues

If you'd like to leave feedback, report an issue or request a feature, simply open an 'issue' on GitHub or contribute to an already active one. Issues are public and anyone can contribute, share their findings, or look for an answer to their problem.

👉 Forum on Reddit

Here you can discuss, find answers, share ideas, and get support from both the community and the app creators.

👉 Beta releases

If the app doesn't behave the way you expected, you can try with the latest Beta release (if available). Beta releases are almost like normal releases, but may contain some new and insufficiently tested code. They are published sometimes before a stable release, when more testing is needed for a new feature or bugfix.

👉 User's Guide (deprecated)

User's Guide may clarify your question or even answer it completely, but it is seriously outdated.



👉 Translation guidelines

If you wish to translate the app to another language, here you'll find all the necessary information to get you started.

Translation status